• also on acceleration in the development of decentralized applications related to mobility (dApps), here all token creation (dApps)
    will be backed by data and finally Marblecake tokens drive and enhance your desired business model in the DeFi sector. If later Marblecake will enter the Marketplace
  • and this is very easy to use by the community because the development of data technology is very simple and easy to access global mobility data and ecosystems.

(What is Marblecake)

  • Marblecake is a company that creates next-generation DeFi solutions and yield standards.
  • You will have all of the required tools at your disposal as a comprehensive ecosystem. Marblecake is your one-stop shop for the ultimate DeFi solution, from active exchange to passive income creation.

(The public sale will finish on July 1, 2022.Take advantage of the low prices on tokens while they last!)

  • To access the Exchange, please log into Metamask and connect to BSC Mainnet.
  • Name & Symbol: Marblecake (MARBL)
  • Crowdsale Address: 0x531A12275e9A682c0629585a3F9dFAb6D6D33aDf
  • Token Address:0x531A12275e9A682c0629585a3F9dFAb6D6D33aDf
  • Network: Binance Smart Chain
  • Token Supply: 10,000,000 mARBL
  • Soft Cap: $500,000

(The Crowdsale Ends In)


  • Days


  • Hours


  • Minutes


  • Seconds

(Flatporem Features)

  • Marblecake’s ecology is made up of a variety of tools. The DEX (Decentralized Exchange) is primarily used to enable swapping. Users can also add liquidity to the pools or hodl Yield Tokens in tandem with this.

(staking parems is a term that refers to the act of s)

  • You can stake your LP tokens and earn even more money as a liquidity provider. Our farms seek for consistent returns and are built on protocols that make both PoS and loan contracts easier.


  • Marble’s launchpad makes it simple for new projects to get off the ground. Furthermore, because every project has been researched and approved by our staff, it provides an extra layer of security for investors.

(Decentralized Exchange)

The DEX is the Marbleverse’s beating heart. Because security is paramount, all of the mentioned tokens are manually confirmed by our team. You can trust that the tokens you exchange are genuine and devoid of malicious code.

(Cross-chain bridge)

  • Marble intends to make switching tokens between networks as simple, quick, and inexpensive as possible.
  • previous chains, ours will use distinct liquidity provisions to speed up the process. Bridges to other EVM-compatible networks, such as Polygon and Fantom, are currently being developed.

(Marble pegs)

  • Marble Pegs are cryptocurrency tokens that are linked to the price of an underlying asset. These tokens, like stablecoins, have a price that is tied to an external standard, such as the US Dollar. Marble has already introduced its own currency, the Marble Dollar, which is gaining popularity.

(Yield tokens)

  • Yield Tokens are similar to conventional tokens, however they are more powerful. Unlike common tokens, you don’t need to trade these to profit: simply holding them earns you a consistent percentage! Isn’t that amazing?


  • In our system, the Marble Dollar acts as a steady pricing token. Users may simply check the price of an asset in the real world.
  • An underlying algorithm linked to the exchange adjusts Marble Dollars automatically.


  • This is Marblecake’s identical twin, the ultimate yield token if ever there was one. You immediately earn 6% on every trade you make with it just by hoarding it.
    Staking is better than pooling, and trading is more profitable than staking. Simply buy, hoard, and profit.


  • Marble will establish the foundation for future growth in the second quarter of 2022. We’ll finish the crowdsale, revamp the DEX, and concentrate on marketing.
  • Crowdsale II
  • Prepare DEX for re-launch
  • Bounty Campaigns
  • Marketing Campaigns


  • Marble investors can start trading their assets on PancakeSwap and our native DEX in the third quarter. As the project develops traction, more marketing will be done.
  • List on Pancakeswap
  • Relaunch native DEX
  • List on Native DEX
  • Marketing Campaign II


  • We plan to open the bridge in November of 2022 to cap off the year. The launchpad, as well as the staking farm processes, will be ready.
  • Launch Bridge
  • Add Launchpad
  • Staking Contracts
  • List mARBL on more DEX’s


  • Marble will deploy on more networks, launch more marketing efforts, and target CEX listings in order to get off to a fantastic start in 2023. 2023 is going to be huge; if you don’t get involved now, you’ll miss out later.
  • Cross-Chain Deployment
  • Marketing Campaign III
  • Target CEX listings
  • Continue Development

(Earn 6% in profit?Without trading??)


  • Token with a High Yield
  • Interest Rate Yield: 6%
  • Burning Mechanism Built-In
  • Appreciation that comes to you automatically

(Edwin Kater)

  • Project Manager
  • Ed is in charge of everything from day-to-day operations to user support and all in between. Long-time crypto enthusiast, techie, and hiker.

(Mariusz Nowak)

  • CTO
  • On both ends of Marblecake, Mariusz is the coder. He spends the most of his time on fintech initiatives, working relentlessly to ensure everything goes well.

{More information}

Website :


Bitcoin talk Username: foamid2000

Bitcoin talk profile link:;u=3455768

BEP-20 Wallet Address : 0x4F5484FAaD5b69987Bfc64CcB6903F6e2945bA83


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