Ikonic - Join The Next Generation Esports & Pro-gaming NFT Marketplace



Sports fanatics can now celebrate, big-time. Why? With the arrival of the world’s first eSports NFT marketplace, you can create, collect, and earn passive income minting gaming and metaverse highlights. This ground-breaking concept is put into fruition by the IKONIC team and their supporters. The opportunities are limitless, and everyone has the possibility of obtaining recognition, fame, and wealth with a single NFT. Create 100 NFTs on the IKONIC platform and before you know it, you could be talking about some serious passive income. In turn, this generates excitement and enthusiasm to produce additional product, creating a positive self-reinforcing loop. Get lucky with one of your NFTs, and you could be looking at windfall profits.

The explosion in the popularity of online gaming, Play-2-Earn, metaverses, and NFT minting is causing a tectonic shift in the operation of the blockchain scene. No longer do you have to rely on third-party involvement or representation to cash in on the growing popularity of the above-mentioned topics. With IKONIC, you are the top dog. The profits you generate, are the profits that end up in your pockets, not some distant corporation(s) with a monopoly on markets, taking a cut for themselves. The IKONIC project puts you in the driver’s seat, presenting opportunities to cash in on your love for gaming and NFTs. Skilled gamers and metaverse users will immediately see the possibilities here. The IKONIC project is looking to decentralize the eSports NFT marketplace and provide an equal playing field for all gamers and users from around the world.

Project Goals

  1. Gaming as a service (GaaS): Build a marketplace platform for a completely new way of doing business and making money.
  2. Foster the promotion of upcoming Independent blockchain based games and the metaverse, providing opportunities for gamers everywhere.
  3. Produce an all-encompassing marketplace for in-game assets providing a complete environment that supports their assets and assist in their success.
  4. Self-service NFT creation gateway.
  5. Platform for funding and promoting new, promising games.

    Simplified Process

    1. Upload your gameplay footage.
    2. Highlight your best moment/moves.
    3. Edit it if needed.
    4. Choose a template.
    5. Create the NFT from it.
    6. Share with your followers and fans.


    • Name: IKONIC
    • Symbol: IKONIC
    • Total Supply: 2.5 Billion
    • Initial Supply: 157,916,667

    Allocation of Tokens

    • Team & Company 15%
    • Marketing & Operations 15%
    • Development 15%
    • General Reserve 0.7%
    • IKONIC Airdrop 5%
    • Private Sales 19.3%
    • Advisors 5%
    • Community Rewards 10%
    • Ecosystem & Referral 5%
    • Liquidity & Listings 10%


    The roadmap for the IKONIC project is aggressive, so if you don’t pay close attention, you may miss some of the milestones as they are achieved. The support team is professional and cordial and can be expected to make a big splash as the time to market grows closer and closer. The whitepaper is detailed and full of information as well - do yourself a favor and read it; it is guaranteed to get you excited and thinking about all the ways you can capitalize on your work:


Q1 2022

  • Native token and USDT support on Ethereum, Polygon.
  • Binance IKONIC token support on Binance Token.
  • Burning ERC-2981 NFT Royalty.
  • Standard Configurable service fees.
  • Video Editor and Templates for state-of-the-art NFT creation.
  • Creation, Mint/Buy/Sell in Marketplace.

Q2 2022

  • IKONIC Platform Launch.
  • Gamification of IKONIC environment for improved UX (Badges, NFTs & Status) Leaderboard.
  • See Who’s the Most IKONIC of All.
  • UsersSeason 1 Contests Introduced.
  • Begin Metaverse development.
  • Esports Hall of Fame Gallery .
  • Live esports.
  • Gaming.
  • eCommerce.
  • Real Estate sales.

Q3 2022

  • Building bridges: ERC-BSC and BSC-Polygon.
  • Investigate Cross-chain/Cross-layer asset transfer.
  • Batch Minting.
  • Auction/Make an Offer.
  • Analytics - NFT Transaction & Performance History.
  • Initial edition: Indie Game.
  • Hackathon/Incubator.
  • IKONIC Collection Pack Drop 1.0 w/one-of-a-kind esports Moments & Stars.
  • Begin multi-player game design.
  • 3rd party KYC attestation (Platform & Metaverse.)

Q4 2022

  • Launch Metaverse v1.0.
  • Easy Access.
  • Buy $IKONIC Token, NFTs & Gear w/Fiat (Fiat Converted to $IKONIC Token.)
  • $IKONIC Staking.
  • IKONIC Collection Pack Drop 2.0.


Unlock your full gaming potential with a brand-new way of monetizing your experiences using in-game highlights to create NFT’s that are used to stake, sell, or auction off.

This brand-new way of capitalizing on your gaming experiences to create wealth will find a home in nearly every gamer heart. If you are a reading this now, you can already sense in your mind how this will fit into your life to enhance it and help bring financial independence.

Some of you already have some ideas on how you would take advantage of the IKONIC platform and what sort of footage you think will generate interest in the gaming field. Considering the massive interest currently generated around Pay2Earn and online gaming in general, the IKONIC project sits perfectly poised to capitalize on this growing trend - allowing you to take your game to the next level. They say timing is everything in crypto, and the IKONIC team fully understands this, working day and night to create first mover advantage.

The time for highly customized gaming related NFTs is now. The IKONIC team plans on shaking up the entire industry and causing a groundswell of interest in their platform. So, whether you are an investor, an artist, or a gamer, it is easy to see how a project like IKONIC is hitting the nail directly on the head, paving the way for future profits across the board, using a brand-new way of adding even more interest to the gaming industry. Don’t sell yourself short. Invest in the cutting-edge technology available on the IKONIC platform to change your life and the ones you love forever.

More Information

Website: https://www.ikonic.gg/
Whitepaper: https://global-uploads.webflow.com/615f264a1577bed3445ca158/623dbd2495e2c49f8aef3444_LitePaperIkonic.pdf
Medium: https://medium.com/ikonic-hq
Telegram Chat: https://t.me/ikonic_moment
Telegram ANN: https://t.me/Ikonic_official
Discord: https://discord.gg/FPckz79SUy
Twitter: https://twitter.com/official_ikonic
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgq5Ws23RjNuUNc-Sth_gCQ
#ikonic #nft #gaming #crypto #marketplace #gamingasaservice #bsc

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